SH2-129 & OU4 The Giant Squid


Instruments: SkyWatcher EvoStar ED 80/600

Mounts: SkyWatcher HEQ5 Pro Goto

Imagers: ZWO ASI 1600mm Pro

Guidings: ZWO ASI 224mc

Accessories: 0.85x reducer

Softwares: APT, PHD Guiding 2, PHD Max, Photoshop CS6, Pixinsight, SiriL


Dates: 2020-09-17, 2020-09-18, 2020-09-20, 2020-09-21

Baader Ha 3,5nm: 5.25h

Chroma Oiii 3nm: 17.67h

ZWO B: 0.13h

ZWO R: 0.12h

ZWO V: 0.15h

Total: 23.32h

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SH2-129 & OU4 The Giant Squid