Sh2-174 The Valentine Rose nebula


Instruments: Rowe-Ackermann Astrographe Schmidt (RASA) 8"

Mounts: iOptron CEM70 NUC

Imagers: ZWO ASI 1600mm Pro

Guidings: ZWO ASI 224mc

Accessories: Starizona filter slider

Softwares: Nighttime Imaging 'N' Astronomy (N.I.N.A.), PHD Guiding 2, Photoshop CS6, Pixinsight


Dates: 2022-03-23, 2022-03-24, 2022-03-25, 2022-03-26

Baader Hα 3.5nm f/2 Ultra-Highspeed: 12.08h

Baader Oiii 4nm f/2 Ultra-Highspeed: 8.58h

Total: 20.66h

Click to see in high quality
Sh2-174 The Valentine Rose nebula